In this blog we are going to talk about the importance of gas detectors, for that we need to understand what a gas detector is, it is a device used for detecting presence or leakage of gases in a particular area. A gas detector is a very crucial device in a safety system in an industrial sensitive place. Gas detector used to monitor different gas levels in the air. Most of these devices are battery operated and used for industrial safety. These are majorly used to detect toxic or explosive gasses and measure their gas concentration. Most of the home based smoke detection systems are oxide based sensors. Once these gas detectors detect a higher than normal concentration of gas in the air, they warn people in the location through a series of really hard to miss audible beeps. NOTE:- IMPORTANCE OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY SHOES AT WORKPLACES Gas detectors in industries are majorly included as part to maintain better health and safety systems within the workplace, Portable Gas detector instruments are designed for protecting personnel when working in potentially hazardous areas. Advanced Fixed gas detection systems consist of individual gas detectors connected to a central alarm panel, providing constant monitoring of gas detection within the designated area. Safety First India which is a unit of ghum India ghum which is a travel agent in Delhi, SFI is being a leading Industrial safety company in India also as supplier for Gas detectors in Delhi, India. We are b2b gas detector dealers in Delhi for companies like United Phosphorus Limited Prima Equipment Ambetronics, Honeywell Gas Detector, Drager, Industrial Scientific Corporation Gas Detector
Gas detectors devices are generally used at a wide range of industries such as mining, Oil and Gas industries, at Manufacturing and Agriculture sectors as well as at Laboratory researches. Uses as major safety equipment to detect oxygen deficiency, Explosive atmospheres and Multiple poisonous gases to safeguard from threat of hazardous and potentially lethal environments.
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Safety helmets are a major component of personal protective equipment apart from safety clothing and other accessories like Safety boots, safety glasses , gloves and many mores. Most of the head injuries are caused due to not wearing helmets. These types of head injuries can be avoided by wearing proper head protection. Safety helmets are the most important safety gear for construction and other types of industries, it is mandatory for even any visitors to visit such types of construction sites or mines or different such industries. Getting sufficient protection at the workplace is the right of every employee and it should be given to every worker. Safety First India which is a unit of Ghum India Ghum which is a leading travel company in India, as well as dealer for safety helmets in Delhi. We are here with the silent importance of safety helmets. 1) Provides Protection Against Head Injuries Peak View Helmets are safety helmets designed in such a way that it provides protection to employees from several types of injuries such as electric injuries, strong head impacts or injury penetration which are caused due to falling objects. These industrial safety helmets also provide protection against electrical conductors and fixed objects which are also cause of injury. 2) Provides Protection from Slips And Fall injuries Other benefit of Wearing safety helmets when employees work in a liquid based or chemical industries or at any slippery surfaces helmet ensures that even if workers fall or slips acciendly chances of injuries related to head are minimal. NOTE:- Top 5 Best Places to Visit in Maldives 3) Chances of Survival In Accidents is more If a worker is wearing a safety helmet at a unit which faces accidental situations like mishandling of any industrial equipment or rolling over of a truck, in such cases if employee is wearing a safety helmet his chances of getting hurt will be minimal. NOTE:- Popular Stepwells in India 4) Helps in Improving Employee Visibility Wearing hard hats or safety helmets for work allows better visibility for workers at the workplaces and also helps in differentiating where they are working during day or night. They also hard caps also help in differentiating between visitors and other non-working people entering the workplace or industry premises. 5) Provides Protection from Sun Specially for construction site workers, the wide brim industrial safety helmets are considered best as they provide sufficient protection against direct sun rays to the workers eyes. This helps in reducing the chances of heat stroke and fatigue. You can get best quality safety helmets at affordable price online at
Since the 21st century is all about industrialisation and globalisation, every country is running for industrialization to improve their GDP. Beside speedy industrialization health and safety of employees is also important and sometimes at many places people ignore the importance of safety and leads to several life threatening injuries. Due to rapid industrialization work related injuries also increased many fold whose main victims are hardworking workers. As per studies from many renowned agencies it is found out that approx 25-30% claims of disability at workplaces are directly or indirectly due to a foot injury. Main cause of foot injuries are constant exposure to dangerous workplaces in absence of any shoes with proper protective gear which led to foot injuries. The workers have to go through never-ending stress due to these injuries and these lapses keep on happening at big and small scale industries. Hence there is a very important need to mandatory introduce safety shoes at all workplaces because it guarantees protection to workers. These days you can purchase good quality safety shoes at a very competitive price from platforms like which is a leading dealers for safety shoes in Delhi for all brands and safety India first is a unit of Ghum India Ghum which is a leading travel company in India. Now during ongoing covid19 pandemics many companies are concentrating more on covid safety products but industrial safety is equally important. Safety First India is here with 5 important benefits of Industrial safety shoes at workplaces. 1. Protection against burn injuries Major risk involved at many workplace is of dangerous burn injuries, these burns can happen from Chemicals and other material like cements and many more. Industrial Safety shoes made of sturdy material prevent horrible burn injuries from Chemical and material splashes as well as dangerous substances that can cause burns to feets or hands or any other part of the body. NOTE:- Best 10 Tips for Staying Safe in a Hotel in during ongoing Covid-19 2. Protection from electrical hazards We all are aware that electricity at work places is one of the major sources of accidents at the workplace, electricity poses enormous accidental risk at industries. Workers are several times exposed to potential electric accidents caused due to short-circuits, naked wires and many more. By wearing Industrial safety shoes made of leather, rubber or other materials which are bad conductors of electricity can reduce the chance of electrical accidents at workplaces. Safety First India is a dealer for electrical safety shoes in delhi. NOTE:- Need A Ride? Choose Your Comfortable Cab 3. Protection from Fatigue Fatigue injuries are very common in industries, it happens due to long duration standing jobs, especially when workers have to stand on hard surfaces such as concrete. Due to all day standing Muscles in the feet,back, legs and other parts of the body grow tired, its impact can be reduced by wearing the best anti fatigue shoes for workplaces. Reflective safety shoes or best anti fatigue shoes are design in such a way that it provides very comfortable cushioning for the ankles and it balance arch support which helps in alleviating any unnecessary strain on muscles which causes less fatigued and In long term it help employees to do their job more comfortably and more efficiently. Safety first india is a leading dealer for anti fatigue shoes in delhi, you can find others also online. NOTE:- Places to Visit on Rural tourism in India .4. Prevention from Slips and Falls injuries Annually major causes of industrial accidents are due to Unforeseen slips, falls or tripping. Many such accidents can be controlled by formulating strong housekeeping measures and installing anti-slip floor tapes which helps in reducing any risks posed by these mishaps. But there is no such alternative to anti slip safety shoes; these shoes provide additional protection from trips, falls, and slips. Safety Shoes made of a good amount of traction help in reducing friction and help prevent falls in slippery environments. safety first india is supplier for anti slip safety shoes from all reputed brands like Karam, Liberty, Honeywell and many more. 5. Safety Shoes for Keeping feet warm in extreme weather
At some places which have harsh cold weather can pave the way to injuries such as frost bites, hypothermia, and these industrial dangers shouldn’t be overlooked. Workers working outside in very harsh rough winters and employees who work in a refrigerated environment are mainly at risk. Keeping their feet warm and comfortable in conjunction with good industrial shoes are important with all other measures. Most common cause for most of the accidents in India is fire, So Fire Safety plays an utmost important role in any Buildings. Its developer responsibility to ensure all required measures of health and safety standards. It is always witnessed that whenever fire incidents occurs, It is found post fire incidents in most of the cases non-compliant construction such as fire doors, blockage of fire exits and their markings and not maintained assembly areas, Also lack of precautionary maintenance play major role such as the upkeep of extinguishers, evacuation drills and many more. Safety First India which is a leading fire safety company in Delhi and NCR is here with some important tips on how to prevent fire at residential complex, govt building or at any workplace. 1) It is always important to Turn off all electrical appliances in your premises at the end of the day if there is no work. We all know that electric appliances can easily malfunction or overheat and can cause huge fires. Turning off electrical appliances and helps in preventing a disastrous situation happening overnight at the workplace. NOTE:- Best 10 Tips for Staying Safe in a Hotel in during ongoing Covid-19 2) Always advisable that Don’t overload circuits - Overloading of Electrical circuits are also a major cause of fire incidents, so it is always advisable to not put load above the recommended capacity which may cause blowing and overheating of the fuse, and becomes a huge fire hazard. 3) Timely Reporting of any electrical faults - electrical faults at residential complexes are one of the main causes of workplace fires, So it is important to timely lookout for any potential electrical faults. 4) Free up the area of a clutter - It is important to ensure that anything which may easily catches fire, such as waste paper or trash, should be kept to a minimum and the complex is free of clutter. NOTE:- Need A Ride? Choose Your Comfortable Cab 5) Always Smoke only in authorised smoking areas - and once should be sure that smoking materials are always extinguished properly and exposed safely, and never stored. 6) Be aware of chemicals and handle them with care- if chemicals are used at the workplace, always important to use and store them safely as per their labels, so that to prevent any potential ignitions. NOTE:- Best Day Trips from Delhi Travel Blogs Tips by Ghum India Ghum 7) Fire extinguishers - It is quite important to make sure that the appropriate type and number of fire extinguishers is installed at a workplace or residential premises and important that everyone in the complex knows how to operate Fire extinguishers properly, in case of any emergency. 8) Never block way of sprinkler systems or smoke detectors -It is important to ensure that nothing should be in the way of these potentially life-saving appliances and they work perfectly during emergency time. Apart from above measures it is important to have a concrete fire safety and evacuation plan in case of any emergency which must have all the detail of every element of what needs to happen in course of a fire. It should be easily accessible to everyone. Covid-19 which is a global pandemic now and it changed our way of living and thinking of the entire world. We have to accept many things which are new normal now, from putting complete lockdown to moving forward to new normal all across the world. Shops, malls, offices, public transportation and many more are opening not because the threat and impact of covid-19 is getting lesser but to run the economy. No world economy can be in lockdown for a long time. Now in a partial lockdown or no lockdown scenario the threat of getting infected is far more than the lockdown period because more people are coming out of their house for office and personal work, So we need to take more precaution and safety now. Safety First India which is a leading Industrial safety company in Delhi and also leading supplier for Covid-19 safety products in Delhi, We are here with a list of everyday medical devices which everyone needs to keep at home to administer your health on a daily basis and many corporates are offering these products to their employees. Also See :- INDUSTRIAL SAFETY TIPS 1) Pulse Oximeter :- First on our list is Oximeter which is majorly used to measure how well your heart is pumping oxygen through your body or Oximeter is used to check the oxygen level of your body. Since lack of oxygen is one of the measure symptoms of Covid19 so this small device recently started getting attention for timely diagnosing and monitoring COVID-19 symptoms. As per Medical experts pulse oximeter plays an important role in covid or pulse oximeter importance in covid. Safety first India is leading dealers for oximeters in Delhi. Most of the medical devices in India are offering Made in India Oximeters, We have deals on the best pulse oximeter brand in India are Beurer oximeters, Dr trust USA fingertip pulse Oximeters, Dr. Morepen Pulse Oximeters, BPL Medical Technologies Pulse Oximeter, AccuSure pulse Oximeters, Hesley Pulse Oximeters in India. Also See :- Best Travel Agent in Delhi, India 2) Infrared thermometers This is another device which gained huge popularity during covid19 pandemic, This is a thermometer which is used to take body temperature from a distance and quickly. Importance of Infrared Thermometer in Covi19 is very huge because high body temperature is one of the major symptoms of Covid-19 and Covid19 get spread due to human to human contact. So this device or IR Gun helps in getting body temperature without touching and you will find people using it at the entrance of most of the public places, offices, malls , residential complexes and many more places. infrared thermometer best brand in India which offers the best quality made in India infrared thermometers are Beurer, Dr trust USA, Dr. Morepen, BPL Medical Technologies, AccuSure, Glen and many more. Efficiency of an Infrared Thermometer is measured by how quickly it gets temperature and from how far it can read the temperature. You can keep it at home to take the temperature of your family members and also for people coming for deliveries and other works. Also See :- Best Day Trips from Delhi 3) Glucometer This device is an everyday home use thing specially if home is diabetic this device generally helps in monitoring glucose or Sugar level in body. It works like it takes a very small drop of blood by pricking the skin with a lancet and it is put on a disposable test strip which meter reads and it is used to measure the glucose level in blood. This glucometer medical device is everyday used and Safety First India is a leading dealers for glucometers in Delhi. Also See :- Places to Visit in Havelock 4) Blood pressure monitor machine Blood pressure monitor machine, or blood pressure gauge machine, is a device used to measure blood pressure. Importance of continuously monitoring your blood pressure at home is that it helps in early diagnosis. Self monitoring of blood pressure helps your doctor diagnose high blood pressure earlier. This device is important to keep at home because Untreated high blood pressure several times can damage organs and lead to mild and major stroke or heart disease. Safety India First has the best price for branded Blood pressure monitor machine, Blood pressure monitor machine dealers in Delhi. Also See :- Top 8 Places to Visit in Varanasi 5) Personal weighing scale
A weighing machine or weighing scale is used to measure the weight or mass of an object. Its best suited health equipment to be kept at home to administer your body weight, Personal weighing scale is one of the most important equipment to be kept at home to keep a regular watch on body weight. We have the best deals on weighing scales, Suppliers for weighing machines. ![]() Famous saying is “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” So Safety First is always important at every where it starts with home to offices, Schools to colleges and many more. Safety in the workplace needs proper safety planning that needs to be taken care of by management and observed by all employees. Safety precautions measured must be strictly followed because if they are not, some employees can put all other employees' lives at risk. Accidents at the workplace can lead to days absent from work, reduced in productivity and impact on profits. If an employee is unfortunately seriously injured, then it may lead to worker’s compensation which ends up costing extra expense and financial burden. Apart from that the morale and mental health of employees will suffer too, because they will always be concerned about their life safety and their ability to work in an environment where you can get injured. Safety and Health Management Plans need a proper assessment especially after Covid-19 pandemic. A Experience Safety Consultant hired to make visual and physical assessment of the workplace to access the employee environment, So that experts can easily identify which area needs more attention after in-depth risk assessment. It's very important that Employees should feel safe at workplaces and be protected from dangerous machines and hazardous materials. Employees should be completely trained on operational measures of the machines with proper safety equipment's. The machines should be tested and serviced from time to time. There is no shortcut to safety measures. It's important at workplaces or factories that safety equipment should be kept at its designated place such as a first Aid kit or Eye washing station. It should be mandatory for all employees to follow various safety measures with proper training, if someone not following safety rules must be immediately punished because such employees can put other fellow colleagues' lives in danger. Also See :- Top 8 Places to Visit in Varanasi A safety plan should be reviewed time to time because you need to improvise your safety plan with changing time and technologies and changes should be updated or shared with employees on time. There is a famous saying on Industrial safety “Do not think because an accident hasn’t happened to you that it can’t happen.” Author :- Team Safety First India |